[opensuse-factory] Network Error [2]: Unable To Locate [machine] In Hosts File => Segmentation fault
"Hello all I have been running Hyperion (now Oracle) essbase Release 7.1.0 (ESB7100B181) on opensuse (since v10.0) for development, testing and pleasure because my employer currently runs its production version of essbase on Unix (Sun). ######################################## # 1 ######################################## I have sucessfully installed ESB7100B181 on at least 3 different versions of opensuse 10.3 but I have always been unable to run scripts like the one below (see # 4 ExecCalAll below) on openSUSE-10.3-Beta2. ######################################## # 2 ######################################## I am bringing this matter to your attention because with the latest version of opensuse (openSUSE-10.3-Beta2) things have taken a turn for the worst because I am now unable to even run essbase (ESB7100B181). Here is the error message # error messages START [Fri Aug 31 19:59:26 2007]Local////Error(1042003) Network Error [2]: Unable To Locate [T60-1tmt] In Hosts File *** Exception occurred *** Exception error log [/opt/essbase/log00001.xcp] is being created... A core file may get generated Exception error log completed Segmentation fault arbor@T60-1tmt:/opt/essbase/bin> *** Exception occurred *** *** A fatal error has happened *** *** The server is trying to shutdown the application *** arbor@T60-1tmt:/opt/essbase/bin> # error messages END ######################################## Installation notes ######################################## Essbase requires that the shared libraries module libstdc++-lib [libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2] be installed... Testing for libstdc++-lib shared libraries e.g. [opensuse 10.2] compat-2006.1.25-29.rpm... e.g. [opensuse 10.3] compat-2007.4.18-15.i586.rpm.. compat - Libraries from Compatibility Versions compat-libstdc++ - The Old stdc++ Library Testing for libstdc++-lib shared libraries e.g. [opensuse 10.2] compat-2006.1.25-29.rpm... e.g. [opensuse 10.3] compat-2007.4.18-15.i586.rpm... The following modules are installed... compat-libstdc++-5.0.7-82 cdrkit-cdrtools-compat-1.1.6-15 java-1_4_2-gcj-compat- avahi-compat-mDNSResponder-0.6.20-28 compat-2007.4.18-27 Testing for unixODBC The following modules are installed... unixODBC-2.2.12-51 compat-libstdc++ T60-1tmt:/tmp # rpm -q compat-libstdc++-5.0.7-82 --filesbypkg compat-libstdc++ /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 compat-libstdc++ /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5.0.7 ######################################## # 3 ######################################## In an attempt to troubleshoot #1, I did, at one point, an "rpm -qa | sort" on opensuse 10.2 and 10.3, and then compared the two. I did not, however, find any differences in the rpm installed (10.2 vs 10.3) to explain my problem (#1). ######################################## # 4 ExecCalAll Description : This script calculates meta data from a base (data) arbor@bigboy:/space1/Essbase/plc> uname -a Linux bigboy #1 SMP Fri Jun 22 12:17:53 UTC 2007 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux ######################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExecCalAll started at Fri Aug 31 19:04:44 CEST 2007... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listing Essbase processus ***BEFORE*** CalAll... The following cubes are up and running: arbor /opt/essbase/bin/ESSBASE ** arbor /opt/essbase/bin/ESSSVR ZERTDACT ATTENTION: [bigboy] A CalAll will be started on [ZERTDACT.ZERTDACT] in 10 seconds... Starting a CalAll on [ZERTDACT.ZERTDACT] data at Fri Aug 31 19:04:54 CEST 2007... This could take serveral hours... Analytic Services MaxL Shell - Release 7.1.0 (ESB7100B181) (c) Copyright 2000-2004 Hyperion Solutions Corporation. All rights reserved. MAXL> OK/INFO - 1051034 - Logging in user [superuser]. OK/INFO - 1051035 - Last login on Friday, August 31, 2007 7:04:54 PM. OK/INFO - 1241001 - Logged in to Essbase. MAXL> MAXL> OK/INFO - 1056090 - System altered. MAXL> OK/INFO - 1056013 - Application ZERTDACT altered. MAXL> OK/INFO - 1056023 - Database ZERTDACT.ZERTDACT altered. MAXL> OK/INFO - 1012675 - Commit Blocks Interval for the calculation is [3000]. OK/INFO - 1012669 - Calculating [ INDICATEUR(All members)]. OK/INFO - 1012677 - Calculating in serial. OK/INFO - 1012568 - Commit Blocks Interval was adjusted to be [35671] blocks. OK/INFO - 1012669 - Calculating [ TEMPS(All members) ACTIVITES(All members) ANNEE(All members) TYPE_MONTANT(All members) MARCHE(All members) PHASES(All members) PARTENAIRES(All members) PRODUIT(All members) ORGANISATION]. OK/INFO - 1012677 - Calculating in serial. OK/INFO - 1012550 - Total Calc Elapsed Time : [4323.93] seconds. OK/INFO - 1013274 - Calculation executed. MAXL> MAXL> User superuser is logged out MAXL> MaxL Shell completed Finished CalAll on ZERTDACT.ZERTDACT at Fri Aug 31 20:17:00 CEST 2007... Listing Essbase processus ***AFTER*** CalAll... The following cubes are up and running: arbor /opt/essbase/bin/ESSBASE ** arbor /opt/essbase/bin/ESSSVR ZERTDACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExecCalAll finished OK at Fri Aug 31 20:17:00 CEST 2007... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards James --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-factory+help@opensuse.org
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