[opensuse-factory] Tumbleweed - Review of the week 2020/30
Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, Due to a packaging change in a low-level package (krb5), I decided to trigger a full rebuild of openSUSE:Factory. Quite a lot of packages reference krb5-config to find the correct locations, but I could not get a conclusive list. The risk of not doing a full rebuild and having all packages follow the changes of krb5 could lead to devastating results, which I did not want to risk. This in turn meant OBS was busy for a bit longer and we only released two snapshots (0717 and 0720). The next one to be published (0721) will be the one with the full rebuild. The two published snapshots brought you these changes: * VirtualBox 6.1.12 * gtk2: Resolve GIMP segfault from accessing memory past end of pixbuf * Linux kernel 5.7.9 * Kubernetes 1.18.6 and 1.17.9 Changes currently being prepared/tested in our staging areas: * Mesa 20.1.4 * GCC 10.2 (the RC did not expose any issues, but was not checked in to Factory) * LibreOffice 7.0rc2 * openSSL 3.0 * Python3 package will be renamed to python38. The goal will be to allow multiple python versions to more easily coexist. * RPM changes: %{_libexecdir} is being changed to /usr/libexec. This exposes quite a lot of packages that abuse %{_libexecdir} and fail to build. Additionally, the payload compression is being changed to zstd Cheers, Dominique
participants (1)
Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar