On Fri, Dec 3, 2021 at 1:51 PM Bernhard M. Wiedemann <bernhardout@lsmod.de> wrote:
I started a small poll and you might want to give your input there: https://www.reddit.com/r/openSUSE/comments/r82tyg/is_zypper_slow_for_you/
Already made my comment and applied your suggestion of using mirrocache-us and things are better at least for zypper, my main drive-to-insanity is with osc.. which talks to download.opensuse.org and it is there when things always go wrong..and it starts downloading from some Brazilian university of who knows where.. of course I can't blame the system for doing something that makes sense which is to choose the nearest mirror.. unfortunately here faster mirror means "as near as possible to the nap of americas" not "as near as possible geographically".