El jue, 29 abr 2021 a las 8:09, Ben Greiner (<code@bnavigator.de>) escribió:
Am 29.04.21 um 00:36 schrieb Juan Erbes:
El mié, 28 abr 2021 a las 9:33, Luna Jernberg (<droidbittin@gmail.com>) escribió:
Openshot is version 2.4.1 when the version 2.5.0 with hardware encoding and decoding has more than a year. Installing Openshot 2.5.1 from the build repo is not possible, because it needs Python(abi) 3.8, and the version installed by default is 3.6.
`Requires: python(abi) = 3.8` indicated that you are trying to install a Tumbleweed package. You can't mix Python packages from Tumbleweed and Leap. You have to use a package built against Leap, even the pure noarch ones:
As Guillaume has already said, that's the nature of Leap. Except for the interpreter itself, all python packages in Leap 15.X are Python 3.6 based.
Thank You Ben! You are right! Cheers, Juan -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MAS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: http://www.opensuse.org/es/ Puedes visitar mi blog en: http://jerbes.blogspot.com.ar/Thank You Ben!