02.09.2017 15:58, Mykola Krachkovsky пишет:
вівторок, 15 серпня 2017 р. 15:18:04 EEST Stefan Dirsch написано:
Since today there are updated NVIDIA gfx driver RPMs available for Tumbleweed. Feel free to give them a/another try by adding the repository manually via
zypper ar https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed nvidia-tumbleweed
Hi, is there any hints to install it on "optimus" laptop? I'm aware that switching between GPU's would not work, I want to try pure nvidia on parallel installation (for tests and Vulkan).
This really depends on your precise optimus (hardware) implementation and what you want to do. nVidia proprietary driver does not support render offload, so you can only switch complete X output running on dGPU to screen connected to iGPU device. You can neither use both iGPU and dGPU simultaneously (e.g. start *one* program on dGPU and display output on screen connected to iGPU) nor start program (or complete X) on iGPU and display output on screen connected to dGPU. bumblebee bypasses this problem by using "sideband" channel to display content rendered on dGPU on screen connected to iGPU. So in general you cannot replace bumblebee with proprietary drivers + glvnd. You can use nouveau, although you still need to manually manage which GPU will be doing rendering, same as with bumblebee (by explicitly starting program on dGPU). If dGPU has own screen, I presume it should be possible to use both of them, although I am unsure about to which extent it will be possible to combine them in single "desktop".
I've removed bumblebee, bbswitch, bumblebee-nvidia packages. Restarted and installed packages from nvidia repository. There was still Intel driver used. I've run nvidia-xconfig (which looks kinda buggy), and got strange /etc/X11/ xorg.conf [1]. Tried to boot with it anyway but X hadn't started and got fast switching from one to other tty. It's almost unable to login while that. Restarted without X, renamed xorg.conf and added manually to xorg.conf.d only essential parts [2]. But after restart got the very same behaviour — fast switching between tty's.
Is that something of bumblebee left or something other is wrong? There is no any /usr/lib*/libGL.so.1.2* files.
Intel i7 6700HQ NVidia GTX970M
openSUSE Tumbleweed x86_64 boot options: acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2009" SDDM KDE Plasma 5
[1] http://susepaste.org/38919395 [2] http://susepaste.org/42224432