On Monday 20 June 2011 12:23:33 Dr. Werner Fink wrote:
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:16:35AM +0200, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Let SUSE worry about the business customers, please, that doesn't have to influence what openSUSE decides.
My answer is simply no. This because I'll take the concerns and requirements of all customers as real, which includes also all openSUSE users. The reason is simply that the openSUSE platform is the base of all business products like SLES is. Beside this IMHO also the other directions holds true ... as I've tried to add any solution found on SLES also to the next openSUSE tree.
Ok, true, I admit this is relevant...
Moreover, if some requests of customers or users are not a good idea, we don't have to do it. systemd is not unique in telling you you shouldn't want certain things - or offering alternative ways to do it.
About your specific argument, it's been said often enough now in this thread that you can have your /usr on a separate partition. Either the stupid way (like with sysv now: just ignore the fact that it doesn't work for lots of things and hope none of those matters to you) which is fully supported by systemd although they tell you it's stupid; or the smart way, by using initramfs.
It seems that I've to explain *why* experienced system administrators use separate partitions for e.g. /usr, /var and /tmp. The main reason is simply to *minimize* downtime after a crash due e.g. services like hugh data base servers getting out of control filling up the logging files at /var and/or temporary files e.g. at /tmp. To have a readdonly mounted /usr partition also minimize the check time of e.g the root paritions after e.g. file system crash due such critical incident.
So, can you please let it go now? Repeating an argument doesn't make it any less valid, you know...
Sorry but if facts on well known experience will be handled as stone aged it should be noted, shouldn't it. and even if stone aged in someone eyes, the concerns of the paying customers should whould be taken serious.