On Nov-30-2024 06:11AM, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op zaterdag 30 november 2024 08:43:49 Midden-Europese standaardtijd schreef - pj via openSUSE Factory:
I'll give you my opinion and I think that is pathetic. And I will not hesitate and call this outright pedantic.
LOL, this is serious stuff, people concerned with minor details but so called SYSadmins are complaining about their users who have > root priviladges (borking out logins because of plymouth). Absolutely shocking. What I would do is ask or wait for a time to speak with the professionals about what happened. I'm not picking on anyone, I am stating what I believe to be a way in which administration on linux (at least) computer systems may be able to run. The fraillity and complaint that the user I reponded to in this thread should enlighten anyone who isn't spoon fed ideas for users to be taking in 1000 ehh 999 kernel traces each time they login with root. https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query=pedantic&cat=web&pl=opensearch&lan... On my response each moment, let's do this thing. Hey ,, set up a test machine with what's in the snapshot before you introduce it. WOW -Best