1 Sep
1 Sep
Dne 01. 09. 21 v 14:23 Manfred Schwarb napsal(a):
Hi, when looking up packages on software.opensuse.org, there are no hits for Leap 15.3 [e.g. search for "libaec", only Leap 15.2 shows up]. I guess this is not intentional. Does anybody have a clue? Where to report?
Cheers, Manfred
As Leap 15.3 is not one repository any more and it is three repositories joined together, it looks different. If it is Leap package from SLE, you will see it in "Unsupported distributions" in SUSE:SLE-15:GA , if it is community package, you will see it in openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3 and if it is Leap specific package (only a few packages, mainly cosmetic packages), you will see it as Leap 15.3. But I agree, that very not intuitive from UX perspective.