On 9/20/23 15:05, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op woensdag 20 september 2023 20:35:48 CEST schreef Eric Schwarzenbach:
I would just like to offer some criteria to consider for choosing a name.
1) Either build on the familiarity of existing names, or make the name completely descriptive, so the name already suggests something about what it is. "Tumbleweed-Stable" is an example of this, as is Slowroll. Whereas something like "Descent" is only meaningful once someone reads about it.
2) Keep to words with positive associations, not negative. "Stable" is a positive and really the actual goal here I think. "Slow" is only a positive from the perspective of "Tumbleweed moves too fast". For a new user "slow" may not sound very positive. (Nor does "sleepy", "stumble", "sloth", etc. This survey has lots of terrible names I wish I could vote against.) If not positive, neutral like "roll".
3) Don't create confusion with other distros. For example "Gecko" appears in some of the names in the survey. There is already a GeckoLinux (http://geckolinux.github.io/) which is a distro that is basically an alternate installer and set of customizations of OpenSUSE (both Tumbleweed and Leap).
I hope this survey is just a first round to weed down the unweildy list presented there, and there will be a future round or rounds with a smaller list, and ideally, ranked-choice voting.
Cheers, Eric Doesn't "Interval" cover all that ? Not to me. An interval can be long or short.