Am 15.03.2018 um 22:52 schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
On Thursday 2018-03-15 22:00, Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
El 15-03-2018 a las 13:52, Ianseeks escribió:
This benchmarks are not particulary useful to developers or to take any remediation steps if needed. they appear to be provided purely for entertaiment.
That is exactly the scope of Phoronix.
Care to explain how those network-benchmarks could be improved? The discussed benchmark you are slandering is only a preview, the full comparison is in the works. It was requested and payd for by a user, so it must be useful to him. As a Tumbleweed user I enjoy those benchmarks, so entertaining it is, yes. But at the same time they deliver also vaild data points, sometimes on a small scale (hardware wise), and sometimes with nice big comparisons when it comes to gaming / gpus. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: