Am 01.04.22 um 17:25 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
Hi Matěj!
On 4/1/22 16:58, Matěj Cepl wrote:
Dne 01. 04. 22 v 15:33 John Paul Adrian Glaubitz napsal(a):
I still don't quite understand which versions of Python need the package and which don't. I assume it's required for Python versions below 3.7, correct?
As far as I understand there are several features introduced into the pythons over time. Whether you need the backport package or not depends on the fact whether your python has that feature already put in. Mostly, the upstream developer should know. Thus they often declare something to the effect in their install requirements.
Is there a common good practice or shall I just unconditionally add it to Requires?
The only good practice is to follow the upstream declarations. That's the only safe way. - If you don't and run into problems, it's your fault. See also the discussion about the rpm generator on the python@opensuse mailinglist yesterday. - If you do and run into problems, you have found a bug and can help upstream improve the package
- Ben