2 Oct
2 Oct
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 38 packages: * aws-c-mqtt * aws-c-s3 * azote * b4 * cosmic-app-library * cosmic-session * folks * fwupd * galera-4 * gcr * gcr3 * git * gpa * gstreamer * gstreamer-plugins-base * gupnp * hamlib * haproxy * jackson-dataformats-text * libpeas * libvirt-glib * lightsoff * os-autoinst * podman * powerman * python-astroid * python-ipykernel * python-jupyter-core * python-proton-client * python-zarr * python312 * resource-agents * simh * talhelper * tokei * tree * xen * yara