7 Oct
7 Oct
Joerg Schilling <Joerg.Schilling@fokus.fraunhofer.de> writes:
Berthold Höllmann <berthold-tumbleweed@xn--hllmanns-n4a.de> wrote:
readcd does work.
Did you read the whole DVD using readcd?
Yes, the whole DVD, at least I can watch the DVD content via the generated fileusing vlc or mplayer without problems.
Some of the sectors are readable in case that the encryption has not yet been set up.
I "unlock" the DVD using "mplayer dvd://" just before calling "readcd". Strangely enough, calling "mplayer" on the DVD device libdvdread is not able to get all keys, but when I call mplayer -dvd-device <generated file> dvd:// All (or at least most) of the keys are calculated.