On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 03:40:35PM +0200, Marcel Hilzinger wrote:
You can ad the root passwort each time, if you want. But why should other users not be able to leave this step out?
I click on the world and then on Configure. I can't find where to remove it. As I forgot how I got to this stage I did a new installation. This is what I get is the following: I see that there are updates available, so I click on it and then on Update. Either I add a privaleged user or I can click OK to accknowledge that I do not have the rights. If I click OK, I can't update. If I enter the rootpassword, I can always update. After entering the root password, I get: User was successfully added to zmd. The next time I am NOT asked for a password.
Yes, that does matter. It is not up to the software updater. It is up to root to change sudoers. Yes. And that's how it works in 10.1. So I really do not see your problem...
The "problem" I have is that people want to change it. -- houghi http://houghi.org http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/ http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...