On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 10:40 AM Oliver Neukum <oneukum@suse.com> wrote:
If your laptop is running into a state of the battery becoming critically low, systemd will be used to trigger S4. This is necessary because the content of your RAM needs to be protected, as you may have something running that would not safe its state if the system is just shut down. Warning you that this feature is unavailable only when it is needed is not a good solution. It would be too late for you to do anything about it.
dont want to derail or make this a support case. but i am not powersaving or hibernating at all. just booted this laptop right now. and dmesg -e latest lines displays right after the network becomes available those hibernation systemd lines. a lot. like constantly every few minutes. i am not on batter. i have power. i have deliberately disabled all checkboxes for hibernation in some kde applet in paragraphs "energy saving" and "advanced power settings". wondering if this is maybe the reason why this notepad is a pita with everything that even comes close to when trying to close a lid, when trying to sleep it and more. i never went for hibernate though. this notebook has a lot of memory so i figured i wouldnt want it to save all those gigabytes of ram always to the disk (suspend to disk = hibernate?) ty.