Hi, I am looking to push simon to factory http://simon-listens.blogspot.com http://www.simon-listens.org/ however some of the deps I have no idea which devel project shall hold them they are pocket sphinx from cornell http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/2010/03/pocketsphinx-0-6-release/ and julius http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php While simon itself and another qtaccesibiity library will end up in KDF for the rest julius, pocketsphinx and sphinxbase I would really need help. regards, Alin -- Without Questions there are no Answers! ______________________________________________________________________ Alin Marin ELENA Advanced Molecular Simulation Research Laboratory School of Physics, University College Dublin ---- Ardionsamblú Móilíneach Saotharlann Taighde Scoil na Fisice, An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://alin.elenaworld.net ______________________________________________________________________