On Saturday 04 May 2024, Jogchum Reitsma via openSUSE Factory wrote:
Hi Michael,
That did the trick, many thanks!
I have not seen the crash you describe in the links; The script I think is just a warning, but in my case the behavior of the task bar is warning enough, I think.
Thanks again,
regards, Jogchum
It's hard to say for sure from reading the symptoms, but it reads a bit like a problem I encountered.
When plasma errors it sometimes silently switches to a software renderer. If this has happend, check ~/.config/kdeglobals and remove:
[QtQuickRendererSettings] SceneGraphBackend=software
I've posted concerning this on KDE Discuss: https://discuss.kde.org/t/on-error-kde6-x11-switched-to-the-software-r enderer-how-to-reverse/13241?u=digitaltrails https://discuss.kde.org/t/wayland-kwin-crashes-when-i-alt-tab/12730/10 ?u=digitaltrails
I run the script quoted in the second link that checks for this on each login.
Its an obscure trap to fall into. One of the contributors to kde.discuss has raised a bug pointing this out: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=486078 That might generate some effort to make the switch more obvious. Until this is addressed, I think I will continue to run the script at login in case the software renderer is improved to the point where the differences become more subtle. Michael