On Sat, 2022-05-21 at 21:30 +0930, Simon Lees wrote:
But in trying to answer that question I don't think you really can. Recommends really means "The maintainer thinks you really should have this unless your use case has a very good reason not to".
People keep saying this on this ML, but I don't buy it. First of all, it's different from the natural language meaning of "Recommends". It'd rather be like "VeryStronglyRecommends:". Second, not every maintainer uses it like this. Setting solver.onlyRequires = true is the first thing I usually do on openSUSE. I am aware that it sometimes causes traps, but I prefer thatn over the bloat that results if I don't. I believe that we have better instruments than "Recommends" these days, in particular booleans. In the example at hand, we could create a pseudo-package by the name of, say, "system-requires-wifi". Yast would install this package automatically during system setup if Wifi hardware was deteced. Then Networkmanager could have a dependency like this: Requires: (NetworkManager-wifi = %{version} if system-requires-wifi) Martin