I have been testing 3.0.4 with Tumbleweed, and noticed that after a suspend to ram cycle, the NIC would come back online with only 10Mbit speeds for my GigE network. I believe something is breaking with auto-negotiation when the machine wakes up, but I'm not sure what to really do about it. kiwi:/home/tyler # ethtool -t eth0 The test result is FAIL The test extra info: Register test (offline) 10272 Eeprom test (offline) 1 Interrupt test (offline) 4 Loopback test (offline) 13 Link test (on/offline) 0 kiwi:/home/tyler # ethtool -r eth0 Cannot restart autonegotiation: Invalid argument kiwi:/home/tyler # I was somehow able to force autonegotiation on with to following: kiwi:/home/tyler # ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 autoneg on Cannot advertise speed 1000 kiwi:/home/tyler # Which brought the device down and back up, and all of a sudden it worked? Weird bug is weird. :-/ Cheers - R. Tyler Croy -------------------------------------- Code: http://github.com/rtyler Chatter: http://identi.ca/agentdero http://twitter.com/agentdero