The nouveau driver has had a serious, longstanding bug that seemingly only exhibits itself with the 6.3 and onward kernels, and only with older Nvidia chipsets. For details, see and After several weeks of hard work by developers at Freedesktop and RedHat (it was a very difficult bug to track down) a fix was accepted at and is in both and But the change has not yet been merged into the kernel-source-6.3.7-1.2.noarch package's /usr/src/linux-6.3.7-1/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drm.c file, nor (as evidenced by the kernel fault still happening at boot) in 20230620's vmlinuz-6.3.7-1-default kernel. Should I expect that it will be included in an upcoming Tumbleweed snapshot/repo/ISO in the near future? If not, how can I advocate that it should be? There are already several related Bugzillas (1212553, 1211217, 1211568, 1211216, 1209197), none of which seem to be aware of the root cause nor this newly-released fix. Note that although the bug currently only triggers with specific, older Nvidia GPUs and "has never caused problems before", the previous code is undeniably wrong and the patch should be applied regardless. And once again, it has been accepted into the mainstream kernel sources. Thanks for any insights into the Tumbleweed release process, and on how to proceed.