Hello, I'm sending this email out to tell you about a new package I'm submitting to Factory from devel:tools:scm. I'm submitting gh, the official cli for GitHub. The application can interface with GitHub-specific features that git alone cannot. The package is comparable to hub, but has an entirely new codebase programmed in Go, has the official support of GitHub, and is marketed as an official interface to their platform, as opposed to a wrapper. Considering this, gh is a very worthwhile and important addition to the openSUSE distribution. The maintenance workload is minimal. So far in maintaining the package, an upgrade only requires running the service file to update the source archive and the go modules included in vendor.tar.gz. Aside from the switch from tar_scm to obs_scm for fetching the source from the official repo, there have been no significant issues. I would be happy to take on maintainership myself, as a newbie it will probably help me be able to maintain further packages in future. I will be submitting a SR for this package to Factory shortly after this message is sent. OBS: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:tools:scm/gh <https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:tools:scm/gh> Upstream: https://cli.github.com/ <https://cli.github.com/> Git repo: https://github.com/cli/cli <https://github.com/cli/cli> - Emily (nopeinomicon)