On Thu, 2017-10-05 at 19:46 -0700, Steven Hess wrote:
Sorry to omit the the subject. It should have been "Snapshot 20171003 unresolved dependency." The other two solutions are: Solution 2: deinstallation of perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08- 1.13.noarch Solution 3: break yast2-apparmor-4.0.0-1.2.noarch by ignoring some of its dependencies Which are the usual ones.
Nothing wrong with the mirrors - but you have a package on your installation (perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08-1.13) which seems not to be part of Tumbleweed and which has not yet been rebuilt against Perl 5.26 in whatever repo it is. This gives you the following options: * Pick choice 2 - and remove that package; depending on why you have it, you might run into other packages failing * work with the maintainers of that project to get this package rebuilt for Perl 5.26.1 Cheers Dominique PS: it's always funny to see how many assumption and scare-crows we have around mirrors and mirrorbrain. MB will scan if the mirrors have the needed files and redirect you as approrpiate. In OPs case, though, the files he gets ARE the right ones; just not every repo is rebuilt against TW and this is definitively not up to TW to 'wait for any random number of third party repo to fix their fails and catch up'