Hi. I've been using OpenSUSE for four years and decided to start building packages for Factory. This is the first batch of software submit to Factory and contains three software packages, two of which are brand new. 1. Clash (https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash) Clash is a rule-based tunnel in Golang with extensive protocol support and powerful triage capabilities. It has 21.5k stars on Github and is in active development. It was licensed under MIT and shift to GPLv3 in 2019. The Devel Project of clash is server:proxy/clash which has no update since it was initialized until now. This package provide a single binary file and service file both for system and user. 2. act (https://github.com/nektos/act) act is a command-line tool help you run Github Actions locally for debug usage. It has 19.6k stars on Github and is in active development. Licensed under MIT. The Devel Project of act should be devel:tools:scm/act which I'm still waiting for it to be accepted. It requires docker to work. 3. GLab (https://github.com/profclems/glab) GLab is a command-line tool bringing GitLab's cool features to your command line, aka the GitLab version of gh. It has 1.6k stars on github and of course, under active development and MIT license. The Devel Project of glab should be devel:tools:scm/glab which I'm still waiting for it to be accepted. This project provide five packages: - glab: the binary file and man pages. - glab-doc: HTML docs. - glab-%{shell}-completion: shell completion for bash, zsh or fish. The main reason I chose to submit them is that I am using them and they do work well for me, so why not entertain everyone rather than mineself. I'm not very sure how this submit process works since this is my first time submit, so I'll paste this link to the submit comment just like how the wiki said. Thank you. Orville Q. Song