Hi all, Following Richard presentation yesterday on "openSUSE response to SUSE:ALP" (you can watch it on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y2ewBG62J4 with Q&A captured https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20230627 ), I'm preparing a long awaited cleanup on SUSE:ALP project on OBS: * SUSE:ALP parent project will be purged: all packages in SUSE:ALP parent project will be removed. This project was no longer used since we switch to the new project setup for ALP March prototype. It will stay as parent project. Staging projects for SUSE:ALP main project have been removed and Rings projects will be removed too. * SUSE:ALP:PowerPC, SUSE:ALP:zSystems, SUSE:ALP:RISCV: those per-arch projects following SUSE:ALP will be dropped too. PowerPC and zSystems have been merged into the main codestream. We are still looking where to build RISCV port in a way which would not slow product development for other architectures. * SUSE:ALP:ToTest / SUSE:ALP:PUBLISH will be removed too. It contains the December prototype, we'll see if we want to keep it somewhere or just drop it. * For bootstrapping a codestream, we have SUSE:ALP:Workbench. Initial version was done on OBS in SUSE:ALP:Workbench but is no longer used. SUSE:ALP:Workbench:1.0 contains a mirror of the SUSE internal built version (following all SUSE policies and certification for codestream). SUSE:ALP:Workbench content will be purged, only SUSE:ALP:Workbench:1.0 will be kept. Note that SUSE:ALP:Workbench:1.0 is a frozen copy of Factory, it won't be changing. * Codestreams will be stored in SUSE:ALP:Source. ** For March prototype, we had source cherry-picked from Factory packages (95% and a few others with not-yet merged into Factory) stored in SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:0.1. Build packages happened in SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:Core:0.1. This project will be kept for now as reference. ** We had 2 "Products" prototypes in March, Micro ( SUSE:ALP:Products:Micro:0.1) and BedRock (SUSE:ALP:Products:Bedrock:0.1). Installer was also built as a product in SUSE:ALP:Products:Installer:0.8. ** Please note BedRock will no longer be developed. We will focus on developing Granite instead ** From now on, we are building SUSE ALP codestream on SUSE Internal Build Service (following SUSE certifications). Build is mirrored on OBS at SUSE:ALP:Source:Standard:Core:1.0:Build. Source code is available at https://src.suse.de/products/SUSE_ALP_Standard (OBS doesn't allow yet to browse scmsync git in its webUI). We'll try to keep you updated if there are other changes. -- Frederic CROZAT Enterprise Linux OS and Containers Architect SUSE