Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, It has been a while since I wrote a ‘weekly’ review. My own fault for taking some days off, right? At least I had good weather and enjoyed the time – a lot even. But now I am in dept to you: I owe you a review over what happened over the last three weeks. Since the last review, openSUSE Tumbleweed has seen 11 new snapshots (0514, 0515, 0516, 0517, 0519, 0520, 0523, 0526, 0528, 0602 and 0603). Thanks to Max for taking care of it during my absence). The most notable changes in those snapshots were: * Mozilla Firefox 76.0.1 * Linux kernel 5.6.12 & 5.6.14 * The YaST changes, as announced by the YaST Team in their sprint reports * Mesa 20.0.7 * VirtualBox 6.1.8 * KDE Applications 20.04.1 * Sudo 1.9.0 (final release) * GCC 10 as default distro compiler (all packages have been attempted to rebuild. Currently, ~ 5% of packages fail to build) * Qt 5.15.0 * Inkscape 1.0 * TexLive 2020 * Guile 3.0.2 This means almost all of the things from the last ‘weekly review’s’ ‘things in progress’ have been delivered by now. But that does not mean there is nothing left. Currently, the staging projects are filled with these major changes: * RPM change: %{_libexecdir} is being changed to /usr/libexec. This exposes quite a lot of packages that abuse %{_libexecdir} and fail to build * Mozilla Firefox 77.0 * KDE Plasma 5.19 * SQlite 3.32.1 * Linux kernel 5.7.0 * Mesa 20.1.0 * openSSL 3.0 Cheers, Dominique