Il 11/09/2017 11:22, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar ha scritto:
On Mon, 2017-09-11 at 16:07 +0200, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&
You have recevied 3 mails about new snapshots - in very short sequence. Of course we did not update the FTP mirrors three times within a couple minutes, but due to the issues that were around the mirror infrastructure, those snapshots sync were stuck.
Mirrors never received 0905 and 0907 - but jumped from 0904 straight to 0908.
for you, as users, that does not make a big difference (the same as if you'd have skipped zypper dup for a couple days).
Nevertheless, the three mails together give you an overview what all actually happened in those days - even though the mirrors did not get updates, Tumbleweed did roll on.
You will receive one more such mail, as snapshot 0909 is currently in progress of syncing out - and if all goes well, the mail to announce it will be sent out in about 2 hours too.
Cheers, Dominique
Wow! -- TThheerree''ss aann EEcchhoo iinn hheerree. N�����r��y隊Z)z{.���r�+�맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.���r�+��0�����Ǩ�