All meeting minutes can be found here: Meeting is hosted here ## Attendees DimStar, Sarah, rbrown, DocB, ddemaio, max,guillaumeg ## Leap lkocman: sickday today Leap Builds still blocked for past 8 days on waiting for acceptance of the new kernel submission to SLES Cisco openh264 - big thanks to openSUSE Heroes and Adrian for finalizing publishing Changes to I did send yesterday an archive for extraction to Cisco. Code submission deadline for any SLES 15 SP5 related features (does not apply for 15SP4:Update etc), as well as Leap 15.5 Beta code-drop deadline is on January 25th 2023. 15.5 Feature tracking at ## openSUSE Tumbleweed openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 22 failed 4 unresolvable (December 21 2022: 46 / 6) * KDE Stack updated (Plasma 5.26.4 & Gear 22.12.1) * Ruby 3.2 made some progress, only 3 more yast build fails in Staging:H * Staging:L has a few failures collected: * boost: breaks libreoffice (incl. libetonyek) * gpg2: breaks gpgme * libraw: breaks gegl (and possibly more) * libpcap: breaks meson's test suite i586 carve-out from Factory * openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 is setup and builds are in a similar state as openSUSE:Factory * Bots are already up and running: ttm, pkglistgen, trigger-rebuild for rebuild=local * openQA is setup => the releases have been rolling on for the last three days, QA looks reasonable and things progress nicely. Migration (manual so far) is possible for users. The first 'zypper dup' after changing the repo could include a bunch of 'package downgrades' as the rebuild counters are not synced across projects. Automatic migration of users (by means of openSUSE-release) will happen by end of January (giving the braves ones time to test and report issues before we mass-switch) * We plan to switch to 4096bit RSA key begin of 2023. Keys are added to the openSUSE-build-key for Leap 15.x. ## Richard (MicroOS) Desktop-GNOME: The Road to Release: transactional-update-notifier is once again WIP after great feedback about why the current approach wasn't the best idea from a security standpoint Working on a "mod-check" tool to report the following to users List of installed (1st party) packages, with comparisions to both an upstream pristine list and previous snapshots Automatically reset official packages to that upstream pristine list, or previous snapshots Any 3rd party packages and their origin Any known unsupported configurations/alterations and offer remedies if possible Bugs still WIP osinfo-db still doesn't recognise MicroOS as a seperate distribution - debates with upstream ongoing Working on YaST-less installation media with FDE by default ## Max 15.5 * Leap 15.5 is blocked by an kernel issue, bsc#1206718, we won't have a new build get published before this issue got fixed, the fixed kernel should be ready to be merge to SLE15 SP5 this week * A tons of pending requests for Backports still, most of them are blocked by legal review * The default postgresql version is now postgresql15 * Build stats in Backports(x86_64): 8 unresolvables, 54 fails(last week: 8 unresolvables, 62 fails) ## Guillaume - Arm Tumbleweed: * Rolling * WiFi is broken on RPi3/4 (and other systems) with kernel 6.1. A fix has been submitted upstream - * Pointer Authentication issue, seen in zypper. Fixed upstream, gcc13 should be updated soon in Factory - * NVIDIA: tester with aarch64 server and NVIDIA card wanted - Proprietary drivers are now available for aarch64 (only G06): - New opengpu driver also available in OBS: Leap: * no update ALP: * No update WSL: * Works with x86 emulator since appx installer is x86 Guillaume will document "steps" in wiki: ## Sarah - s390x Tumbleweed * blocked by kdump: (fixed last night because of critical) Leap: -> tests are green aircrack-ng and arpack-ng:serial updated qore will receive an additional update at the end of the week, because a bug for arm and i586 in the qore-json-module with the qore API ## Doug * Project maintainer work flow Status (see bottom) * Some marketing material ordered * GSoC * Workshop provided positive moment - * New projects listed * Will have follow on meeting to finalize projects & application on Feb. 7 (deadline at 18:00 UTC) * oSC23 * Contract being signed * Call for Papers open until April 9 * Video team will likely need help * FOSDEM * Bus has 27 sign ups * Contact ddemaio if you're in Nuremberg and want to take the bus to FOSDEM. Space may be limited. * FLOSS Weekly podcast schedule for Feb. 8 ## Dirk * Continued work on SUSE:ALP:RISCV bootstrap issues - looking into the java stack which can not be built within ALP * force published 15.4 and 15.5 for armv7 builds, openqa builds have been triggered it appears it is set to do post-release testing? * qemu/libseccomp 15.5 failure still in investigation * made a x86_64-baseline with x86_64-v3 hwcaps prototype for Tumbleweed. Seems successful, has open issue on debuginfo and auto-installation of the v3 optimized version. Performance benefit seems hard to measure. Biggest speedup can be observed by switching zlib to zlib-ng, so looked into fixing the build failures caused by switching to zlib-ng-compat ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling Not available 15 SP5 Package HUB channel is set up. Stefan did initial testing and looks good. Some packages are still missing, this is on agenda for today and next week. The workshop regarding Package HUB equivalent for ALP Lubos will schedule a call with wolfgang and Scott to ensure that they're in loop for the High Level requirements document. Package Hub for SLE-15-SP5 product definition added and SCC is currently picking it up so it will be ready for testing with the beta of SLE-15-SP5 ## Maintenance team (Marcus or Maurizio (m4u)) Nothing worrysome, preannoucement for 15.3 EOL was sent to mainling list End of December 2022. There were three chromium updates in single week. Configuration setup problem for Maintenance of Leap 15.4 maintenance updates / openQA Marcus regarding Leap 15.4 Image respin - package set will change, we do need to refresh the packagelist * Lubos to talk to Jan Stehlik, we can't put all on Marcuses shoulder. Confirmation that QA/QA-maint team will oversee the setup (issues) Lubos: I was asked to provide requirements for the QA team. Mostly for the GA/current release but also for the update. Lubos will make wiki with requirements (something like maintenance plan perhaps). Marcus will review it. * Leap Micro 5.3 maint setup done ffmpeg - (still unsolved) possible file conflict on the next update, no idea how to avoid vendor switching at the moment. Removing the patch on the openSUSE side (that might contain security fixes) or releasing update on the packman side could fix the issue. Lubos to give Marcus some working contact for the team. ## Adrian - OBS New year cleanup requesting removal of repositories building against EOL distros. ## Project maintainer work flow Status * Base policy to be developed Background on topic found at For me it comes down to a matter of communication. A note like 'thx for your SR, I think we should adapt the following ' or ' we are reviewing your SR, and quite stuck with work...' could already change a lot. Silence for more then 4 week is clearly a perfect way to annoy contributors. And the question should be asked if those unresponsive maintainers are still willing to maintain their projects. Or they may even not be active anymore, another discussion we are having