@Mark: I read through that thread, should be no reason to "apologize for running older hardware" . . . that's what many folks in linux are in fact doing. I had this problem in my Leap 15.5 edition a couple weeks back when you did, but that seemed to get "fixed" . . . I have a GTX780 card, not sure where that is compared to yours. I did not have the problem in my TW install because I took mr Mazda's advice to use "default" video driver, which might be i915?? . . . i.e., it's not nouveau, although it might be in lsmod. So, perhaps there is a way to try to change video driver to "default"?? I did it during the fresh install a couple years back now, but might be something to check?? Other reason for posting, is that, on my newer Sys76 laptop with '20 spec nvidia card, I lost the GUI several months back in my Debian Bookworm install, there I used nouveau . . . . The system boots to dmesg and then to a blinking cursor on a black screen. Their forum suggested I needed to install "firmware-misc-nonfree" package to bring in the nvidia drivers, but that did not solve the problem. I can only get to a TTY on that system. In that same machine I have Pop!_OS which uses proprietary nvidia drivers, and a Gecko Plasma with "nouveau"??? Both of those systems are working fine . . . . Hard to say if the Debian situation is relevant to yours . . . but, there is some apparent "struggle" to get nvidia hardware running in linux . . . . Hence the loud groans that you hear on the forums . . . . I guess those guys would suggest changing out the card as the ultimate solution???? F