Torsdag den 3. februar 2011 13:59:54 skrev Sascha Manns:
i've just would ask, if we have an List of Key-Features in oS 11.4. I would like to dokument it...
Here's my personal list: Distro: * Linux 2.6.37 - including free Broadcom wlan drivers for some recent chips * LibreOffice - including much improved kde integration and docx export out of the box * zypp download improvements - including faster repo refresh cuz of zsync and better proxy support * webyast * Firefox 4(?) KDE: * KDE SC 4.6 (maaaaaajor step from 4.4 of 11.3) * kdepim 4.4.10 * bluedevil - new KDE bluetooth tool * plasmoid-networkmanagement replaces knetworkmanager * oxygen-gtk * rekonq - included in the official repo * pulseaudio on by default in kde (but easy to get rid of) * kpackagekit new default updater * HAL-free default installation And of course you can search on openfate for completed features: https://features.opensuse.org/query/run?search_string=&tag=&search_products%... I'm unsure to what extent we should tout upstream features as openSUSE 11.4 improvements (ubuntu style marketing). On the one hand most users prolly don't have a clue what has happened upstream since openSUSE 11.3, on the other hand it feels wrong taking credit for what other people have done. And finally, of course openSUSE 11.4 has one major "feature" going for it, it'll be the first major distro to have all the latest goodies - since we release before *buntu, Fedora and co. this time around. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-factory+help@opensuse.org