Am Samstag, 5. November 2022, 20:41:17 CET schrieb Ulf:
Am Samstag, 5. November 2022, 18:40:10 CET schrieb Carlos E. R.:
On 2022-11-05 17:49, Ulf wrote:
Am Samstag, 5. November 2022, 13:38:34 CET schrieb Ben Greiner: On the end I added: $ su -c 'echo -e "# Added 2022-11-05\n%users ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers' This simple change fix the issue
That is not secure.
It should be:
%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
From my point of view it is similar secure like adding all users in the wheel group. But than you need to add each user to the wheel group.
On my systems: regular users can't do sudo. members of the wheel group can do sudo with their own password members of the group "trusted" can do sudo without password. In the near future: sudo rules are managed centrally on my IPA server. Cheers MH -- Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann@openSUSE.org Jabber (XMPP): lemmy@tuxonline.tech Matrix: @mathias:eregion.de IRC: [Lemmy] on freenode and ircnet (bouncer active) keybase: https://keybase.io/lemmy gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102