23 Sep
23 Sep
Am Donnerstag, 23. September 2021, 22:50:35 CEST schrieb Mathias Homann:
I just upgraded to 20210921 and now dhcp works again.
...or not. Right now it's HALF solved. My desktop and my laptop both have 20210921 now, my desktop has working DHCP, my laptop does not - and doesn't even print the banner when I start dhclient with "-v -v -d eth0". Strace shows dhclient as waiting for a futex... I'm out of my league here, who could help? Cheers MH -- Mathias Homann Mathias.Homann@openSUSE.org Jabber (XMPP): lemmy@tuxonline.tech IRC: [Lemmy] on freenode and ircnet (bouncer active) telegram: https://telegram.me/lemmy98 keybase: https://keybase.io/lemmy gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102