Hi, I have been looking at variable fonts for Noto CJK: https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-cjk/blob/main/Sans/README.md and I noticed that Variable Noto Sans CJK Japanese font actually takes up less space than the Non-Variable CJK Noto Sans Japanese Regular font + Non-Variable CJK Noto Sans Japanese Bold font. As variable fonts encode all weights, this means even if I only just wanted the Regular and Bold weights for Noto Sans CJK Japanese, it would be more space efficient for me to install the variable font. (while I also get the benefit of having many extra weights) So I think we should just replace weight specific Noto CJK packages with Variable fonts, as there is not much point in getting specific weights when the variable fonts are so small. Let me know what you think, Gordon Leung P.S: A part of me wonders if maybe we should even go one step further and not even bother with Language-specific fonts. Instead, only ship the Variable OTC which is roughly the same size as an Language-specific Variable Font anyways.