I also think it's about networking issues. Maybe some caches or tmp directories hold bad / wrong information, that has happened here several times over the last years. 1) Maybe I missed it, but which display-manager are you using? Kdm? SDDM? Try switching to the simplest possible and see if the problem persists. 2) Does the problem also occur when you start a single X session from a console? Try (as root) service display-manager stop (kills all X sessions!) Then login as unpriv. user and type startx and see what happens Repeat the same as root (I know, but for testing permission problems that's helpful). Am Montag, 15. Juli 2019, 10:10:50 CEST schrieb Roger Oberholtzer:
I have a strange thing in KDE with CIFS as a client. If a share is not unmounted, but the server shuts down, large parts of KDE hang for a long time (e.g., the status bar at the bottom). I think it is trying to monitor the directories that are mounted. And when the server goes away, the monitoring hangs. Could your KDE issues be because the NFS server is not reachable? Or at least access to the share hangs, causing parts of KDE to hang as well? If is hanging because of an error on the server or client is a different matter. But it could explain the KDE part of your problem.
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 9:58 AM <ub22@gmx.net> wrote:
Hi Together,
since some month I've a lot of trouble with my about 20 Years old Home network, which was all running on Tumbleweed:
Server (NFS 4 Server which is sharing /home config via YaST): |- Client1 (/home mounted via & user via NIS) |- Client2 (/home mounted via & user via NIS)
|- Client5 (/home mounted via & user via NIS)
Remark: Server and Client user are synced via NIS/YP configurated via YaST at Server and Client (basic setup was before about 20 years - last installation due to a root FS crash before about 1 year based on the Tumbleweed installation ISO).
On the most Clients KDE Plasma Crashes many times after login
If they are starting - it takes about 10 up to 30 minutes!!!! Afterwords the system hangs from time to time with normal load and only the tracker extract info below. What can I do? One client I installed the last ISO (from 8th July) but this one don't mount /home well, so I need to unmount it and mount again via:
umount -f /home ; systemctl start home.mount ; systemctl status home.mount
# cat /etc/fstab (extract) /home nfs defaults 0 0
# cat /etc/fstab (extract - also tested with nfs4) /home nfs4 defaults 0 0
# journalctl -xa (extract) Jul 13 10:33:23 client1 tracker-extract[6746]: If the error above is recurrent for the same item/ID, consider running "tracker-extract" in the terminal with the TRACKER_VERBOSITY=3 environment variable, and filing a bug with the additional information Jul 13 10:33:23 client1 tracker-extract[6746]: Could not insert metadata for item "file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/sysconfig.desktop": Subject `urn:uuid:xyz' is not in domain `nie:DataObject' of property `nie:dataSource'
If I call tracker manually, there will be the following output: # tracker extract -v detailed /usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/ ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:49.371: General options: ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Sched Idle ........................... 1 (tracker-extract:4939): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:49.371: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'inode/directory' (from GIO) file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups: Es wurden keine Metadaten gefunden oder keine Entdecker, die mit dieser Datei umgehen können ulfi@baldo:~> tracker extract -v detailed /usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/* ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 (tracker-extract:4955): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.537: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-hardware-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/hardware.desktop> nie:title "Hardware" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-hardware-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.554: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.554: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Sched Idle ........................... 1 (tracker-extract:4969): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.554: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-high_availability-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/high_availability.desktop> nie:title "Hochverfügbarkeit" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-high_availability-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.569: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.569: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) (tracker-extract:4983): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.570: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-misc-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/misc.desktop> nie:title "Verschiedenes" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-misc-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.588: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 (tracker-extract:4997): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.588: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.588: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-network-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/network_services.desktop> nie:title "Netzwerkdienste" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-network-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.604: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 (tracker-extract:5011): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.604: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-security-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/security.desktop> nie:title "Sicherheit und Benutzer" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-security-group> .
(tracker-extract:5025): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.621: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-software-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/software.desktop> nie:title "Software" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-software-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.637: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 (tracker-extract:5039): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.637: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.637: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-support-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/support.desktop> nie:title "Unterstützung" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-support-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.656: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE (tracker-extract:5053): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.656: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-system-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/system.desktop> nie:title "System" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-system-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.671: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 (tracker-extract:5067): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.671: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> . @prefix nfo: <http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
<urn:software-category:Settings> nie:title "Settings" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:System> nie:title "System" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ;
a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization" ;> a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-vm-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/virtualization.desktop> nie:title "Virtualisierung" ;> nfo:softwareCmdLine "yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Settings> , <urn:software-category:System> , <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-vm-group> .
-- Regards Ulf -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org
-- Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Markus Feilner ------------------------- _"Zu sagen was ist, bleibt die revolutionärste Tat."_ ------------------------- Leitender Redakteur IX - www.heise.de Karl-Wiechert-Alle 10, 30625 Hannover fon: +49 511 53 52 388 mail: mfe@ix.de PGP: 40A3C306F96133067C11CFD9A958A906268C9F0A http://www.feilner-it.net/files/MFpub.asc Xing: http://www.xing.com/profile/Markus_Feilner LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markusfeilner ------------------------- Mindestinformationen nach §37a HGB: Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hannover HRA 26709 Persoenlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Heise Medien Geschaeftsfuehrung GmbH Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hannover, HRB 60405 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Ansgar Heise, Dr. Alfons Schraeder