On 02/02/2016 03:59 AM, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar wrote: <snip>
I wonder if we should more promote to active maintainers that they set themselves as a reviewer of a package; would that stop a prj maintainer to step in and accept within hours? (might be worthy to explore - I for one had not the worst experiences with this)
Well I have run into a few cases where it does not work, i.e. even though I have set myself as a reviewer on packages a project maintainer accepted changes to the package anyway (with no chance for me to review, a matter of hours). I think we all appreciate that other people help out and update packages. However, as a package maintainer, in the end, if I am the sole maintainer, I expect to have final say about what gets accepted and what not. We have plenty of packages that have no active maintainers and thus having project maintainers that look after those and keep them up to date is great. However, the whole thing backfires very quickly as the practice of project maintainers overstepping their reach is very much discouraging to those that actually do care about their packages. But enough whining, I think there is at least a partial technical solution that could be implemented, and I think I have proposed this previously. Yes I know, if it is to change it is up to me, but there are just not enough hours in a day. Anyway here it goes: When a SR is submitted to a package the informational mail about the SR only gets send to the package maintainer, reviewer, or bug owner if they are set in OBS. If after a week the request has not seen any action, no comments etc, then a mail is sent to the project maintainers and they can then manage the request. Having the SR not show up in the project maintainers Inbox right away reduces the temptation to step in, reduces the flood of messages in project maintainers Inboxes as there will be many requests they will never see, and it gives the package maintainer the chance to act. From my point of view this is a win win for everyone and could certainly help smooth out some of the ripples. Later, Robert -- Robert Schweikert MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU Public Cloud Architect LINUX rjschwei@suse.com IRC: robjo