The maintainer of suse's perl port, I take it, just made it back from a break, and responded to my bug filed against 12.1 not being able to build perl 5.14.2 (as distributed by rpm in binary and source rpms from opensuse.org). At first it got closed out as invalid, because they didn't try it. Then they tried it. Comments in the bug which was reopened and resolved as 'fixed', now... ------ Note that I needed to backport one of the upstream fixes to make perl-5.14.2 build, check out perl-cbuilder-ccflags.diff. It's already included in perl-5.16.0, though. We also patch hints/linux.pl a bit (it seems to be tailored for Debian). But if you do everything our specfile does, you shouldn't have any problems to rebuild perl. If you want to compiler 5.16.0 for 12.1, you should check out the patches and specfile from opensuse 12.2. --- Of course my fault was using the the specfile from 12.1 to build the perl5.14.2 that is the current perl with 12.1. You may not like the idea of retrying your build with a complete, clean suse development installation -- but that you don't even retry the build with the currently released tools seems like an even larger gap in standard QA practices -- and I worked both with and in QA for years in my career, so I know of what I speak -- and I know the bar for what is acceptable quality has constantly been getting pushed lower and lower. I'm saying the bar is too low if you can't even regen the product with the released product. The case with samba is that you can't build samba with all of it's options installed, nor can you build it if you want to build the smb using tools like gvfs.smb or fuser.smb -- they both require packages that, if installed, will keep the smb package from building. Some may think that's the new gold standard, but that's a hack from my perspective. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org