Brand-new installation just this afternoon - 42.1-Current. I opened Kpatience->Freecell and tried to change the appearance of the cards - somewhere in that process, I got a segfault. (am using srbchannel=no as per bug#950487). I am pretty certain I also saw one when I was adjusting window behaviour/task switching. Screen locking is on by default, cool! It seems to be a bit iffy though - it's slow, problems with focus on the password field when unlocking. Btw, where have the screen savers been hidden? Tool-tips (office, pdf, graphics) in Dolphin, where do I get those from? I have a dual/quad-monitor setup on that machine, sofar I've only managed to get two identical copies :-) I'll be trying out the quad setup next week I think. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (6.6°C) - virtual servers, made in Switzerland. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: