World regions like "Europe", "Asia", "Oceania" are difficult to work with because they evoke different things in different people ("Is Russia in Europe?", etc) and some combinations of Northern/Southern regions along the same timezone make more sense than others ("Europe/Africa", in this particular case, does not make much sense). For these reason we steered away from these fuzzy notions. I guess the alternative would have been to just copy-paste the data; but since this is more a digest than a copy-paste (after all, the point is to give the gist of the results to the reader who does not want to get sucked into small details -- for small details people can check the data set directly), it seems to that me presenting this particular datum in a way that emphasizes the cluster-like aspect of the distribution does not betray the story plot. That said I reckon that this is the result of a comprise, and people don't always like to compromise on the same things. If / when I figure out a good way of exposing some of the raw data directly, without requests, I will do it.