Patrick Shanahan wrote:
echoing concern. very important to me to have X11 as wayland is not color managed. anyone working photographs or video currently requires X11.
I tried out the color management in plasma6 wayland. You can specify an icc-profile per screen, very handy. The color management is very basic. It assumes that all apps output sRGB, then takes their output and converts it to the screen color space. So it's not usable for photo editing, if you work in bigger color spaces than sRGB. It does all calculations on the graphics hardware, so you shouldn't see a performance hit. Unfortunately, my integrated graphics is too weak, as I'm driving 2 4k screens, it only renders around 30 fps. Overall, it's very similar to what was possible with oyranos and compiz a decade ago. As far as I know, the plan for the future is: Every app, that doesn't opt out, is considered sRGB. Apps like Krita, Blender, Gimp have to explicitly opt out of general color management and are then responsible for drawing their own colors. But I don't know, if this is on the road map for 6.1 or for a later release. Because of the performance issues, and because QGIS doesn't work well in wayland, I switched back to X11. You might need to install "plasma6-session-x11". There is no difference in behavior to plasma5. Firefox works, gwenview works, krita works, gimp works, displayCAL works. Generally, this was the smoothest KDE upgrade I ever had! The visual tweaks to breeze are minimal, it kept my color scheme, my icons, my layout. Almost nothing has changed. And in X11, color management works as before. So you can upgrade savely.