On Tue, 2016-01-12 at 12:05 +0100, Bernhard M. Wiedemann wrote: <snip>
3. We dont bother submitting everything from devel projects. I see that a lot with the games repo, but I guess there are others containing useful software that is not in Factory for various reasons - e.g. because we always want the latest version to be used everywhere and submitting maintenance-updates is not as easy as just telling people to use the extra repo. Maybe we should do something similar to the old Greg-K-H Tumbleweed where we create an overlay repo that only contains leaf packages in their latest stable version but that builds for all released openSUSE+SLE versions. That does not overlap with https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:Backports:SLE-12 because it only contains packages that are in Factory.
I would love to see more devel packages in Factory/Tumbleweed for the added benefit of helping get them in Bacports. There are some on our "wishlist" that are building in devel projects even against SLE, but aren't yet in Factory. So I'm in interested in anything that can be done to help promote that step to Factory submission and acceptance. -Scott