my first questions is why drop subfs? i know its not perfect, but its adequate for the most part. it seems that the way this goes is that is assumes the desktop world revolves on kde, which perhaps is a bit of a mistake. -- michael On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 02:07:02AM +0100, houghi wrote:
Hello all,
During the IRC meeting from 2006-01-24 it was announced that subfs has been dropped. IRC log and minutes can be found at and the timestap for the subfs issue begins at 19:47
From the minutes: - subfs has been dropped and will be replaced by hal plus gnome-volume-manager (under GNOME) and some binary for KDE. non-KDE and non-GNOME users have to mount manually. They cant even put a line into /etc/fstab, so that a user can mount it. There was a consens that this is unacceptable. Action Item houghi: - start discussion about subfs replacement in non KDE/GNOME systems on opensuse-factory