Fabian, your package diverge from the "pure, unpatched, not reconfigured" plasma-workspace produced upstream. *That* upstream package is our test target, to justify the extent to which we need to diverge: - if the upstream package is satisfying to the user, it should be the one shipped to oS distros; and - if it's not, you'll be able to extrapolate from the feedback we'll get you whether GDK_BACKEND & QT_QPA_PLATFORM should be set to some value (as opposed to left alone), and also which specific value to set them to (if at all). Also Fabian, would be willing to create this package on Factory, while we announce a time window for the community to try it, with guidelines as to how participate to the test? If so, I'd be happy to take care of the announcement post on news-o-o, if you can make the test build. Then I'd send you my text so that you can check it out for bias risks, and after your validation I'd post it to news-o-o. Does that look like a fair deal for you?