On 24/12/2021 09.28, Thomas Zimmermann wrote:
Am 23.12.21 um 23:18 schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
On Thursday 2021-12-23 20:17, Frans de Boer wrote:
On 23/12/2021 11:00, Thomas Zimmermann wrote:
Another consequence is that the kernel footprint will be raised again due to
DirectRendering is practically already present at all times: The moment i915.ko/amdgpu.ko/etc. (or whatever it is you have) loads, and it loads irrespective of whether you use X11 or not, vesafb/efifb gets switched out for inteldrmfb/amdgpudrmfb/etc. (the names were changed in kernel commit 97c9bfe3f6605d41eb8f1206e6e0f62b31ba15d6).
Therefore you lose nothing for which you already paid since practically KMS first became available.
The size of the kernel binary will indeed grow. Some parts of the DRM framework will have to be linked in. We have been working to further modularize DRM to improve the binary size. It only affects the booting, as the DRM modules are already part of the running system today.
I have machines with a /boot partition that is now insufficient when doing updates to hold the three kernels needed momentarily (previous kernel, running kernel, and new kernel being installed). What size of /boot will now be needed? -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.2 x86_64 at Telcontar)