_(Sorry for messing up the threading with my first attempt at sending this.)_ --------- First of all, many thanks to Larry Finger for all his hard work. It must be frustrating for him, but I really appreciate all his work at maintaining VirtualBox for openSUSE. Second, I understand the issues with Oracle and their development process and attitude. If you can use something else besides VirtualBox as Larry suggests, then do it. But the problem is that most users still love VirtualBox. As the maintainer of the GeckoLinux spins, I can say from experience that the vast majority of users expect VirtualBox support, so although I hate it myself I basically have to deal with it and make sure it works. It would be nice if issues like this were considered as blocking issues so that new kernels don't appear in Tumbleweed until VirtualBox is known to work with them. Fortunately, Larry's advice of sticking with the 5.12 kernel is an easy solution for now, I'm glad there are no mismatches with the KMP version numbers. Also, many thanks to Ben Holmes for the kernel command line workaround, I'll give that a try on my next reboot.