On Tuesday 23 August 2011 00:25:42 Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
(about update-alternatives php)
Comment: Nope, same as last time: Why throwing away a working solution?
Because it does not work, increases complexity and there is only one supported $MAJOR php version, 5.X the "pear" update alternatives part did some funny things sometimes linking the pear executable with the "php5" executable. Maybe we don't have that many PHP users, but so far I haven't heard any complaints 'bout our current PHP packages. According to what you describe above, it seems like 'pear' needs fixing instead.
This is waiting for pain when php6 will come out one day.
Well, the day PHP6 comes out we can introduce this layer again the codebase that was supposed to become PHP6 has been abandoned around a year ago..just FYI... That doesn't meen it's never gonna happen.
Or if it is decided to have php4 in Factory again (for whatever reason).
In that case, move along, seriously, Im not going to invest any time supporting insane scenarios. To be honest, I don't care at all for PHP. For me, using it at all is already an insane scenario, but that is obviously highly subjective.
Darix and me just want to see that there is some consent about this move. Therefore I already said last time, put it on the list, get some feedback and if nobody cares, go ahead. -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Sascha Peilicke