On Wed, 2023-05-24 at 15:00 -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* Sam Exner <samexner@gmail.com> [05-24-23 14:56]:
It's honestly embarrassing and concerning that someone with an openSUSE email is being so obtuse, or maybe just disrespectful here. I'm queer and it is not a political issue. openSUSE can fly my flag to support me and it is still not a political issue. LGBTQ+ people are not a monolith of a singular political belief, Patrick, and you are being a bigot for asserting that we are. And nobody is being disrespectful to you by pointing out that you are being hostile towards our community members by calling me a "politic". Get over yourself or maybe leave.
On Wed, May 24, 2023, 12:46 PM Patrick Shanahan <paka@opensuse.org> wrote:
and really, what does any of that have to do with a technology forum. we are *not* political, we are technology. we *should* abstain from *any* political discussion aside internal opensuse points.
we should NOT foster/further/support/deride/... ANY political agenda!
technology is our forte and our ONLY forte!
maybe you should obtain the meaning of "political". I care not what or who you are but this "technology" forum is not the place for you to further your personal agenda.
please cool off and enjoy the rest of the day.
Hard disagree here. Not all viewpoints are worth consideration, or giving the time of day. And I am personally quite glad to see openSUSE/SUSE or any technology company taking a stand against bigotry and intolerance. Technology is made by people. That's all I care about, and when I see people throwing temper tantrums about a "technology forum" showing support for vulnerable populations, that tells me all I need to know about them as a person. You want to sit there in your little bubble and claim that technology and the human condition have nothing to do with each other, that's on you. You're dead wrong.