On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 05:03:03PM +0200, jdd wrote:
may be better not advertise this before all the bugs are closed :-))
I disagree. Especially on this list we should look at the future. There are two processes. One is debugging or looking at the past. Another is features and looking at the future. Dragging this thread back to include bugs is not the way to go. It will suffocate the thread about current issues. Please don't go there. (No matter if the points are valid or not) Take it to another thread. <snip>
If I can make guesses from what I've seen, the only thing that lacks is a mechanism to add automatically inst-sources. One should be able to navigate to the server and clic "add".
Yes. That would be very nice for many.
then the command line tools.
there should be a very precise documentation on how to use all the tools available. much more than what is available now.
Yes. e.g. there used to be installation_sources. That seems to be gone. What is the replacement for it? Also other commandline things should be better documented. I asume I am not the only one who likes to do things on the command line.
Using "rpm" is already difficult. I have to use it any two month (approx) and each time I have to RTFM at least 1/2hour...
That is a bit over the top. I also use it very seldom. What I use is either `rpm -Uvh file.rpm` or `rpm -e program` Very seldom do I need anything else. I would not call that difficult. Just don't forget to follow by `SuSEconfig`. I think you are being unfair. On one side you complain about not having enough documentation. On the other side you complain that the documentation is too much. Do what I do. Make a file with small tricks that you sometimes use. and have a link to that file. That way the moment you need something you forgot, you can go to that file and see the little trick you used in the past.
May I also say that having 20-30Gb dedicated to a local inst-source server will not be a problem in a very near future, given the price fall of Hard drive storage, so a silent, low priority, background daemon to keep such repo uptodate would be a must.
Making that is not that difficult. Just rsync the directory. For installation sources, you only need to do it once. You then have everything you want. YOU should take care of the daily updates. The most important thing for me at this moment would be that I can use YaST also to download packages I install and that it make an installation source I can use. This means running createrepo or create_package_descr and do that in such a way that it does the signing automagicaly. The way I do it now is download things to /usr/src/packages/RPMS/*, do a createrepo and then use YaST to install it. At least for the stuff that is not on any of the installation sources. -- houghi http://houghi.org http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/ http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...