Moin, On Wed, 03 Dec 2014, 12:32:07 +0100, Per Jessen wrote:
Manfred Hollstein wrote: [...]
"normal" ifup/ifdown works, that's not the issue. wicked's ifup and ifdown however have silently removed support for scripts which are executed when an interface comes up or goes down. These scripts are typically stored in the /etc/sysconfig/network/if-{up,down}.d/ directories.
This was surely already reported as bug?
I did not; what I did was to ask on this list if this is known/wanted behaviour: <>, but did not receive any feedback. So I worked around the issue by creating a systemd file as a work-around. My use-case was actually to add IP aliases to an interface depending on the current role of a system (probably similar to what ipvsadm does, but I invented that for my own purposes long before then; maybe I should look at ipvsadm now...). The issue is not that relevant for me therefore. Cheers. l8er manfred