Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, Last week I decided to skip the review. As many have realized, there were no snapshots for more than a week, I explained the reason for this here[0]. The first snapshot after 0502 has been 0511. Since then we’re mostly back rolling and have released the snapshots 0511, 0513, 0515 and 0516, which, combined, included these updates: * Firefox 60 * automake 1.16.1 * GNOME 3.28.2 * KDE Plasma 5.12.5 * Kernel 4.16.7 & 4.16.8 * Texlive 2018 * Mesa 18.0.3 * Gimp 2.10.0 (new workspace layout) * KDE Applications 18.04.1 The stagings are filled with more goodness already again: * KDE Frameworks 5.46.0 * Freetype 2.9.1 (note: freetype-config is deprecated, but our package still provides it for now) * Massive cleanup of Haskell packages (minimizing to what the maintainers believe to be worthy to be maintained. About 1500 packages are removed from Tumbleweed) * ICU 61.1 * Linux kernel 4.16.9 * GStreamer 1.14 * FFMpeg4 – help needed on opencv and libqt5-qtwebengine, which seem to be the two blocking candidates at the moment * GCC 8 as distro default compiler: still some work to do, see this list of currently known bugs[1]. As you hopefully know, next week will be the openSUSE conference in Prague. I hope to meet many of you there. Cheers, Dominique [0] [1]