!!! HEADS UP PLEASE USE https://meet.google.com/fud-xeti-hvn for a few upcoming meetings instead of jitsi, as we're experiencing lot of issues with it. https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/155185 I did update calendar-o-o to reflect this https://calendar.opensuse.org/teams/release/events/opensuse_release_engineer... How to join the meeting? https://calendar.opensuse.org/teams/release/events/opensuse_release_engineer... All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting ## Attendees lkocman, GuillaumeG, Sarah, ana, ddemaio, DimStar, DocB, wengel ## Leap Reminder that we have check in deadline for Leap 15.6 Beta on 21st February. (corresponds with SLES 15 SP6 Public Beta check in deadline) https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Roadmap#Schedule_for_openSUSE_Leap_15.6 Leap 15.6 Build604.1 was published yesterday. The build containing changes from Friday+Monday containing new kernel is blocked on s390x rebuild progress. Adrian increased priority of backports, so we get at least some build jobs. as there were zero "running" jobs yesterday morning. python-related stagings, including GNUHealth, are mostly blocked on SLES 15 SP6's Staging:G, which will be accepted "hopefully this week". Thanks to Antonio for helping on this! Several issues under wayland https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219505 - input methods in chrome under Wayland https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219486 - memory leak in Evolution (workaround uninstall evolution) https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1219858 - coredump in gnome-control-settings sharing https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219718 - wayland-only google-chrome-stable blinks/flashes on scrolling/type libedataserver-1.2.so.26 issue with upgrade from older releases (15.2/15.3) https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1219833 We should start working on the Beta announcement to capture all interesting SP6 updates etc. We could use https://code.opensuse.org/leap/features/issues as an input ALP Marble 6.0 was synced to OBS, I'll be working on the initial setup. https://build.opensuse.org/project/subprojects/openSUSE:Leap:Micro:6.0 de-branding in-progress ## openSUSE Tumbleweed (ana) openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 203 failed 60 unresolvable (last week 294 failed, 166 unresolvable) https://tinyurl.com/ysy4nnnz Most relevant updates: * RPM, Packages not included in rings getting updates updates, still some more to go, see https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/thread/H... * A lot of more updates for Python 3.12.1 enablement * c-ares was fixed and finally 1.26.0 was accepted. * KDE Frameworks 5.115.0 * Linux kernel 6.7.4 & 6.7.3 & networking CVE fixes & other fixes * pulseaudio 17.0 * minor point updates python: python311 3.11.8 / python312 3.12.2 * xorg-x11-server 21.1.11 * OpenJDK 21.0.2 with OpenJ9 0.43.0 virtual machine + updates for OpenJDK 17.0.10 + OpenJDK 11.0.21 Updates waiting / work still in progress: * More fixes for Python 3.12 * GCC 14 (only for runtime libraries), waiting fix for QEMU * GCC 14 as default compiler (long-lasting staging) started in :Gcc7 * libxml 2.12.1 (lots of work to do), on hold, remove from staging to allow security update * dbus-broker as default dbus session manager, now everything builds, two openQA checks failing. * cmake, macro changes (DOCDIR MANDIR INFODIR), all packages update, will be accepted soon * KDE Frameworks and Plasma 6 RC 2, work in progress ## Richard (Aeon+botmaster) tik development progressing slowly, discussions about getting some contributions from SUSE engineers. Aiming to deploy new aeondesktop.org website this week ## Bernhard (Slowroll) Not available * kernel-longterm expected around March * first openQA test WIP * next major version bump expected in 2-3 weeks (mid February) * Vacation 2024-02-05 to 09 ## Max Not available Leap 15.6 - build stats in Backports: 52(was 59) faild, 67 unresolvable(was 63) * Build597.1 has been published * The remaining qt5/qt6 applications got merged for adapt to the Qt5 5.15.12 and Qt6 6.6.1 from SLE15 * Merged many python application update or deleterequests, but still, most of unresolvables were python applications, and still has many were pending in staging * The tweak of skippkg-finder and 000package-groups works, the noarch ones has been selected to ftp-tree instead of the arch-dependent ones(with an unmatched version number) * Vacation: Feb. 7-14 ## Guillaume - Arm Heads-up: Having some vacation. I will be back on 26th of Feb. * Tumbleweed: - Rolling, but: * qemu lost kvm support for non-x86_64 because of a bug in spec file. Fixed with https://github.com/openSUSE/qemu/pull/51 (waiting for update to reach devel project and then Factory) - WIP: Still some packages built without PAC/BTI, two main reasons: * assembler files without PAC/BTI (usually reported upstream, e.g. openssl, gnutls, etc) * Packages built without distro flags (usually fixed in spec file) * TW installer seems to have have issues with PAC/BTI - https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1219717 - rpmlint: https://rpmlint.opensuse.org/ * we noticed that rpmlint does not check anymore for packages built without distro %{optflags}. We should add it back. https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1217840 * Leap 15.6/Backports SP6: - No update * WSL: x86_64 is fetched from Microsoft Store GUI for Tumbleweed image instead of arm64. But `wsl --install openSUSE-Tumbleweed --web-download` works just fine! - https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1219372. This is what team agreed to advertise. We just need to update our wiki and perhaps image description in Windows Store. lkocman: Ah thank you. I'll share that with team. Contents of the image are x86_64. Possible workaround would be a second application e.g. Leap 15 aarch64, Tumbleweed aarch64 etc ... lkocman to ensure that we have discussion with MS on the download issue ## Sarah - s390x * You can not release anything without the second mainframe Tumbleweed: * too less build nodes: waiting for Compilers to be finished with builds lkocman will ping Marcela && Moroni && Martin Piala. * Improved kernel performance for kernel 6.8 from IBM side: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.8-s390-Syscall-Perf ## Doug * Contribution Workshops * First one tomorrow * Sign up at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/openSUSE-Contribution-Workshop * Will publish article today lkocman reached out to Kristyna's team (we have a slack channel regarding packaging ideas). we could probably reach out to translations@lists.opensuse.org regarding weblate. * Chemnitz Linux Tage * Sent items for booth orgs * Meeting with some orgs today about device to be used at CLT * Received thank you letter from Geeko Foundation about forthcoming donation * GSoC * Org announcement on Feb. 21 * Community Summit * Plan to have it on last day of SUSECON * June 19 * Marketing team looking to replace temp-logo image * Meeting planned for next week with co-organizer lkocman: this might be tricky as there is devconf.cz literally righ before. * openSUSE Conference * 29 Registrations, 21 Submissions, 12 Hours * Video team set for presentation Static * oSC24 dates June 27 to 29 reserved (Thursday - Saturday) * Open 4 Business June 26 between 2 - 6 p.m. at Franken Campus * AI topics (static) ## Dirk - various python 3.12 fallout preparations - tried to split egrep/fgrep from "grep" into a separate subpackage, reducing fallout - drop overlays over python311 on Backports SP6 is in progress Dirk: it would help if we could have all the drops in a single staging as they have common build failure root causes. Dirk did a lot of work on the python cleanup over the week, following issue is blocking "green-ness" of related stagings. Issue reported on behalf of dirk https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-tools/issues/3057 ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling Current state Package Hub for SLE-15-SP6 Subpackages (x86_64): 447 packages Backports (x86_64) not installables: 3417 packages Mostly because of missing dependencies. Working on getting those solved. ## Maintenance team (Marcus or Maurizio (m4u)) Leap 15.6 - working on switching the default of openssl 1 -> 3. SLES 15 SP6 openssl acceptance should be today QAM scheduled 15.6 Beta openQA setup for the next sprint, so it should be ready in mid-February according to the plan. ## Adrian - OBS Not available The new composer/product builder discussion was covered in Max's section. Heads up: a first SR related to the composer is on the way. This is done to setup new products. ## Simon (Leap Replacement/Linarite) Not available ## Open Floor Adrian: the issue with jitsi is only with change from 2-3 people. No update https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/155185r