Hi, On my Acer Travelmate connected to a Dell Dock, Bluetooth isn't working after boot. I need to call rfkill and do a bluetooth service restart, then it works flawlessly. This is after a fresh boot: mfeilner@maldacena:~> bluetoothctl Agent registered [bluetooth]# list Controller F4:B3:01:49:51:46 maldacena.feilner-it.net [default] [bluetooth]# devices Device 0C:A6:94:D1:77:5D Büro Regensburg (...) [bluetooth]# connect 0C:A6:94:D1:77:5D Attempting to connect to 0C:A6:94:D1:77:5D [bluetooth]# power on Changing power on succeeded [bluetooth]# connect 0C:A6:94:D1:77:5D Attempting to connect to 0C:A6:94:D1:77:5D Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress br-connection-busy [bluetooth]# power off Failed to set power off: org.bluez.Error.Busy Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-unknown Failed to set power off: org.bluez.Error.Failed [bluetooth]# power off Failed to set power off: org.bluez.Error.Failed [bluetooth]# exit mfeilner@maldacena:~> The "connect" commands fail, and after calling them, "power off" will also fail. (Yes, pairing has been successful) I have a solution, but I would love to know the root of the problem and help others, maybe. Here's my little script that fixes it: #!/bin/bash sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth sudo service bluetooth restart sleep 3s bluetoothctl power on After that, Bluetooth works as expected. The script only needs to be called once after boot - I automated that as a start script. I have no idea what goes wrong upon initialization of bluetooth on boot, but only if I call rfkill and restart the service, bluetooth connection to my stereo can be established. I have seen this behaviour also on my media center, the start script fixed it there, too. Any ideas? How can I help? In the meantime, I check the usual pages for a bug related to this. It's been like this for months... -- Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Markus Feilner, Feilner IT - 20 years of open services - Sustainable Open Source Strategy, Networking, Politics, Journalism Knowledge Management, Rubber Ducks, Trainings, Workshops, Documentation https://www.feilner-it.net, 93059 Regensburg Wöhrdstr. 10, +49 170 302 7092 (+Signal) https://mastodon.cloud/@mfeilner https://mastodon.social/@FeilnerIT PGP: 40A3C306F96133067C11CFD9A958A906268C9F0A http://www.feilner-it.net/files/MFpub.asc Xing: http://www.xing.com/profile/Markus_Feilner LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markusfeilner @mfeilner: Mastodon, Matrix, Jabber, ...